Entering the world of work

Equipping for the future: Manpower Hungary's Career Orientation Program for students

The knowledge acquired in school is undoubtedly essential for success in everyday life and the workplace. However, students must also be prepared for various other challenges that are likely not covered in the school curriculum—one of these being job interviews.

Many graduating students are already thinking about final exams, further studies, and employment. To support this transition, the team at Manpower Hungary lent a helping hand by organizing a career orientation program to prepare students for entering the workforce.




In the first session of the Re-Power Your Future program, 12th-grade students from the Sashegyi Arany János Primary and Secondary School learned how to structure a strong resume and what to avoid when creating one. They also gained valuable tips and insights on what to pay attention to during a job interview—from arrival to farewell.


Interviews for students


In the second part of the career orientation, those with an entrepreneurial spirit had the chance to experience a mock job interview, at the end of which one person was "hired" for the position.


Job interviews with students

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