Our team of IT recruiters have in-depth expertise in their dedicated fields and are ready to help you find talent with specialised, uncommon technological skills. To ensure proper pre-screening, our consultants regularly attend training courses, conduct market research and proactively gain a comprehensive awareness of the technologies needed for recruiting.
A felgyorsult digitalizáció és automatizáció eredményeként ezen a folyamatosan fejlődő területen kihívást jelenthet a megfelelő szaktudással rendelkező szakember megtalálása. Erre kínálunk mi rugalmas megoldást: munkaerő-kölcsönzési, -közvetítési vagy projekt-alapú foglalkoztatásban is. Az ügyfeleink igényeihez igazított konstrukció lehetővé teszi mind rövid-, mind hosszútávú együttműködés kialakítását, melynek során dedikált tanácsadó felel a gördülékeny toborzásért és folyamatos kommunikációval biztosítja ügyfeleink és jelöltjeink elégedettségét.
As a result of accelerated digitalisation and automation, companies continue to face the challange of finding the right skilled professionals in this ever-evolving field. We offer a flexible solution, whether through permanent, temporary or project-based employment. Tailored to our clients' needs, we offer both short- and long-term partnerships, with a dedicated consultant responsible for smooth recruitment and ongoing communication to ensure the satisfaction of our clients and candidates.
Flexible employment tailored to our partners’ needs:
Available pricing structures:
With our sector-specific knowledge and customised pricing structure, we take the burden off our customers in IT talent aqcuisition.
Specialized fields:
IT candidate catalogue
We currently publish a bi-weekly IT Candidate Catalogue, which aims to help businesses, facing staff shortages, to find the right people for their needs - even in areas requiring special skills.
Our catalogue includes candidates who we have identified as valuable professionals during the selection process, but who are not chosen for the position they originally applied for. Our candidates are typically senior IT professionals and our catalogue regularly includes immediately available candidates, too.
Candidates selected from our catalogue, are offered to our subscribing partners for a fee of a gross monthly salary and a 90-day guarantee.
If you wish to receive our candidate catalogue, you may to subscribe to our regular newsletter clicking on this link: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=eYQug67hz0-X-mXXeYtpz2OSCR8l4uVAjv9WKYo3swpURVgwQlFKWUM0NDJUNVZaVE5aVjZVVzY3NC4u