Temporary staffing


For our partners, our temporary staffing service provides a flexible solution that guarantees a prompt reaction to unforeseen changes in the world of work. We can handle all aspects of HR administration and services, including full-time and part-time employment, blue-collar and white-collar jobs, and large-scale recruitment projects.

About our service

With extensive industry experience, we work in both white- and blue-collar areas and undertake large-scale temporary staffing needs. What sets us apart in the market is that 90% of our leased workforce, which consists of hundreds of employees, are white-collar workers.

Suitable candidates based on their CVs will be subject to selection rounds agreed in advance with the client. A phone pre-screening, a first-round interview, and, if necessary, personality and professional assessments are conducted by our recruiters. Following the interviews, our consultants assist decision-makers in selecting the right colleague with an objective and partner-focused approach.

We take the administrative burden of employing the selected candidate off the client's shoulders by providing the following services:

  • Managing the hiring process; onboarding and registration
  • Keeping and sharing up-to-date knowledge about tax regimes, tax benefits, and legislations
  • Organizing medical check-ups
  • Preparing the candidate for their first day of work
  • Payroll processing
  • Providing equipment as needed (IT equipment, fleet management)
  • Assigning a dedicated consultant for the duration of the collaboration
  • Quickly responding to arising questions

Our HR team supports the new colleague from the initial point of the hiring process, through the essential medical examination to the first day of operational work.

As an employer, the Manpower HR team ensures the support of the employee during their new career phase. We offer our workforce leasing service on a monthly fee basis, providing a dedicated contact person and continuous communication within the service framework.

Our workforce leasing service allows our partners to focus on what they do best, while we do the same.


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