Business Coaching and Action Learning

Our Goals

Business Coaching

Business coaching is a strategic investment in human capital that can yield significant returns in terms of personal growth, business performance, and overall success.

The Process of Business Coaching 

  • Initial Consultation and Assessments: The coach and client discuss needs, goals, and challenges through meetings or assessments.
  • Coaching plan: The coach creates a tailored plan to track progress and maintain focus.
  • Regular Coaching sessions: Implemented in a form and with a frequency appropriate to individual needs.
  • Completion and Review: When the goals are achieved, the coach and the client review progress, identify areas for further development, and discuss plans for maintaining progress.

Action Learning

The Action Learning method brings quick results in solving company problems and develops important skills. Participants become committed to learning and find solutions together to each other's work-related dilemmas. Using common knowledge and creative approaches, they prepare a clear action plan to achieve the goals.

The Process of Action Learning 

  • Opening session: During an orientation discussion for the first time, the group gets to know the method and framework of Action Learning.
  • Topic presentation: The topic owner always shares his dilemma and determines what kind of support he expects from the group.
  • Brainstorming: The group members ask questions to gain deeper understanding of the topic, they think together about the solution.
  • Feedback: After the questions and interactions of the team coach, the topic owner checks his goal and formulates their next steps.
  • Lessons learnt: Each member of the group members learn their own lesson in connection with the discussed case.

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