
How to write a CV for a good first impression?

Writing your resume is one of the most important tasks you will do in the job search process. Although there are many ways to get the attention of employers these days—through a LinkedIn profile, a personal blog, or networking at events—a resume remains the primary tool for introducing yourself to a prospective employer and making a positive first impression. That is why it is crucial that your CV is of high quality, professional, well-organized, and adapted to the position you are applying for. 


Follow the basic rules of resume writing 

Your CV should be structured in such a way as to provide the employer with key information about your qualifications and experience in the shortest possible time. To achieve this, start with a strong introduction or objective where you highlight your key strengths. Then continue with the work experience section, where you accurately describe the company, your title, main tasks and achievements. Don't forget to include additional skills and qualifications that are relevant to the position. 

Resume writing


Pay special attention to details 

Employers often review resumes very quickly, so it's important that your resume contains keywords from the job posting you're applying for. Make sure all important information is clearly labeled and easily accessible. This also includes providing accurate dates of employment, as employers value reliability and transparency. 

Customize your resume for each job 

One of the biggest mistakes candidates often make is using the same resume for all applications. Such an approach may increase the number of applications, but at the same time lowers the quality of each one. We recommend that you carefully read the ad before each application and tailor your resume to highlight the skills and experience that are most important to the employer. 

Job search online


Keep it short and to the point 

Employers value concise resumes that present key information quickly and clearly. It is recommended that your CV does not exceed one to two pages. If you have more than ten years of experience, you can consider two pages, but each piece of information should be carefully selected and accurately presented. Long CVs can create the impression that you are not able to communicate effectively or that you change jobs frequently. 

Do not forget about aesthetics and transparency 

Your resume should be visually appealing and easy to read. Make sure headings are clearly visible, text is aligned, and the entire document looks neat and symmetrical. Use a white background with monochrome text and avoid unnecessary graphic elements that can distract the employer. 

Don't be afraid to add a personal touch 

Although a resume is a document that should be written analytically and professionally, it is important to include a touch of personality as well. This will differentiate you from other candidates and show that you are unique and that you bring something more. Of course, you must be careful to remain professional and not cross the line of good taste. 

Establish an online presence 

In today's digital world, it is vital that your resume is not just a printed document, but also a digital version that is optimized for modern ways of applying for jobs. Sync your resume with your LinkedIn profile and make sure they both present a unified, professional image. Also consider using digital tools that can help you create your resume in a modern, digital format. 

LinkedIn profile


Avoid Common Typing Mistakes 

When composing your resume, be aware of common mistakes that can reduce your chances of being invited to an interview. Never sign your resume, and avoid unnecessary headings like "Curriculum Vitae" or "Resume" at the top of the page. Also, don't rush your build - always take time to review and update. Lies in the resume are strictly prohibited, as experienced recruiters quickly detect them. Avoid unnecessary details and excessive use of colors or graphic elements. 

Resume structure 

You can structure your resume in two ways: chronologically or thematically. The chronological approach is the most common, as it gives employers a quick overview of your recent experience and achievements. A themed resume, on the other hand, is suitable for those who want to emphasize certain skills or knowledge, although it is a bit harder for employers to read. 


Writing a resume is an art that requires thought, precision and creativity. With the right approach, a resume can become your ticket to your dream job. Make sure that each section of your resume is carefully prepared, relevant to the job and error-free, and update it regularly so that it always reflects your current expertise and experience. 


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