Q4 2024 Employment Outlook IT

Global Growth Expected in the IT Industry

The IT industry is undergoing rapid changes in global employment trends. According to the ManpowerGroup Employment Outlook Survey, IT hiring demand increased by 6% in Q4 2024 compared to the previous quarter. However, compared to the same period last year, there has been a 4% decline.




Despite this slight drop, 49% of IT employers globally plan to expand their workforce, while 35% intend to maintain current staffing levels. Countries like Costa Rica and the United States stand out, leading the IT employment outlook with significant projected growth.

IT industry outlook


The Challenge of Finding Talent

A major challenge persists: 76% of IT employers are struggling to find the right talent. This global talent shortage continues to impact the IT sector, requiring companies to adapt and implement new recruitment strategies to remain competitive.

Talent Search


Regional Insights

Promising hiring trends are evident in Central and North America, with countries like Mexico and Brazil showing strong growth. In Europe, the United Kingdom and Germany are also expecting steady increases in IT workforce numbers.


The Future of IT Workforce

As technology continues to drive global innovation, the IT sector remains a key player in job creation. With a global Net Employment Outlook of 35%, the industry is poised for further growth. However, companies must focus on attracting and retaining skilled professionals to ensure long-term success.


Facing challenges in finding IT talent? Complete the contact form below to learn how our tailored services can support your recruitment needs.

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